[Commons-l] Flommons!

Bryan Tong Minh bryan.tongminh at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 18:58:53 UTC 2007

Looks great. Pity you can't edit etc. from it. This would require a
login :( Maybe also a flickr like authentication system should be
implemented :) [1]

But wouldn't big parts not be implementable as a skin?


[1] http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.userauth.html

On 3/21/07, Platonides <Platonides at gmail.com> wrote:
> Magnus Manske wrote:
> > So I'm learning Perl now. So I needed a project to sharpen my
> > programming claws with. So I remembered people not happy with the
> > MediaWiki commons interface. So I thought I'd steal from the best and
> > wrote a new one.
> >
> > Flickr-Like cOMMONS = Flommons
> Nice work
> > * Can be slooow at times, since there's no index on img_user/img_user_text
> How does MW handle that then? Or do you mean on the toolserver? (=poke DaB)
> > * No login or upload (yet?)
> > * Normal blue links stay in Flommons, light-blue links go to Commons
> You should add red-links (or is it light-red?) for non-existing pages
> (as most image talk).
> > The thing is a single Perl script. Maybe I should go and rewrite
> > MediaWiki like that. Oh wait... (anyone aroung long enough to get this
> > joke?)
> easy: [[Mediawiki#History]]
> But wait... how is it you're learning Perl *now*?
> > Magnus
> >
> > P.S.: Comments always welcome :-)
> Is it viewable?  common.php?common_source=flommons.pl is blank ;)
> PS: {{CopyrightByWikimedia}} images doesn't show license, i guess they
> pd? :D
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