[Commons-l] 'Did you know?' ... The family tree of [[Category:Copyright statuses]] and our broken category system.

samuli at samulilintula.net samuli at samulilintula.net
Tue Jan 30 09:50:15 UTC 2007

>> Yes, it would work fine if all our users were perfect. Let's continue
>> with
>> the same example and imagine what Catgory:Finland would become like.
>> 10.000 images, maybe? Then we have this dufus (see
>> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Welcome_log) who uploads an
>> image with only [[Category:Finland]]. That image will be lost forever.
>> No
>> one will ever find it and no one will ever be able to use.
> One could create a query or a special page that lists images with few
> categories. Maybe we could even sort them by age ...

We could. The problem is that it would make a common user more dependent
on the work that admins do. And admins don't need any more jobs - we can't
handle what we have now. But that is not my main concern. Maybe,
eventually, we will cope better with the workload.

My main concern is now, if we have a problem that needs fixing? Or if we
are inventing one because we have a technical way of solving it? (With an
external tool whose interface was so difficult it took me ten minutes to
figure it out.)

Ystävällisin terveisin,
Samuli Lintula

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