[Commons-l] Killing the main namespace?

Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell at gmail.com
Mon Jan 29 06:58:38 UTC 2007

I see a lot of misplaced pages, spam, and utter insanity appear in the
main namespace on commons.  There is also a lot of confusion about how
the main namespace should be used.

What do you think of the idea of moving all the galleries to a
gallery: namespace, then reserving the main namespace for main pages
and pretty much nothing else. After that point we could prevent main
namespace page creation and make the edit page give a nice "You are
confused, here is how you find help" message.

The work it would take to accomplish this could be completely
automated, although some inter project cooperation would be required
to fix gallery linking templates and the like.

I see a lot of potential to reduce confusion, and not a lot of real
downsides. So I must be missing something. Thoughts?

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