[Commons-l] Login

peter green plugwash at P10Link.net
Thu Jan 25 20:11:32 UTC 2007

> I have set up mediawiki locally, on sign-in the user is 
> authenticated, however when navigating to any other page (my 
> preferences, my watchlist, main page), the user is no longer 
> logged in.  A cookie is being created and I have allowed all 
> cookies.  My only guess is that the session is being lost 
> somehow.  I am using the apache2 server on windows XP.  Any 
> suggestions as to where this problem can be troubleshot from or 
> what is going on? 
check timezone settings, a common problem with cookies is to set the clock to correct local time but get the timezone setting wrong. This means your system ends up with the wrong idea of what universal time isand that sometimes seems to break cookies.

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