[Commons-l] o rly?

Florence Devouard Anthere9 at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 30 00:32:00 UTC 2007

Platonides wrote:
> Casey Brown wrote:
>> hurry up and photograph as many as possible before the law actually passes?
> I was going to say that. Seems an interesting topic to discuss on the 
> country at wikimania2008.

very good point.
We could hold a session over licencing issues, with Pyramids being a red 

Eck... if we were to make a LOT of money over sponsorship at Wikimania, 
we could held the license session and make some PR in giving back part 
of the money (with support from the sponsor of course) to organizations 
in charge of managing the old pyramids.

The idea would be ----> keep it free ----> public will help support the 
common good.

(or does that seem too complex ?)


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