[Commons-l] [Foundation-l] [cc-licenses] Requirements for a strong copyleft license

Rama Rama ramaneko at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 11:28:39 UTC 2007

My personal, concrete experience of these matters is that authors willing to
use my images (which are licenced under CC-BY-SA) feel the need to write to
me to acertain the autorisation. One even mentionned that he would not have
written if I had licenced my images under CC-By (which I do not wish to).

So arguably, the ambiguity on this matter is harming the diffusion of our
work. Because for one person who writes to me, several maybe decide that
they won't bother, and probably more misunderstand the licence and assume
that using Free images has effect on the entirety of their work.

-- Rama

(PS: I also find my images here and there without attribution or with the
attribution but without a licence, but that's another matter :p)
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