[Commons-l] Fwd: [Wikipedia-l] Commons deletion issue

Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 16:40:46 UTC 2007

On 4/30/07, Daniel Kinzler <daniel at brightbyte.de> wrote:
> Note that commons admins often rely on my CheckUsage tool to check where an
> image is used. Due to the way to database is fed from the parser, this might
> miss some uses, though. Specifically, it may miss any ''conditional'' use of an
> image, i.e. used directly or indirectly inside a {{#if}} or {{#switch}} clause.

I don't think this is accurate. If an image is actually *displayed* on
a page it should show up, although only on the page which the image is
being displayed on. If some use of parserfunctions is causing an image
to not currently be displayed it will not show up.

What doesn't show up are images pulled in via javascript or css. There
is no way we can expect the mediawiki software or commons admins to be
aware of these cases automatically. Even local images used from CSS do
not show up in file links.

For this latter case the only thing we can do is advise people who
include images via css to note this fact on the image page, and ask
that the image page be protected. I do this for enwiki every once in a

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