[Commons-l] justifying the "no NC/ND" requirement

Jimmy Wales jwales at wikia.com
Mon Apr 3 14:06:47 UTC 2006

Brianna Laugher wrote:
> Does anyone have a really succint, persuasive argument for this?

One of the things we want to do is empower broad competitive
distribution of our work at low cost.  When we have a license which is
compatible with commercial redistribution, we empower small scale (or
large scale) entrepreneurs to competitively print (or burn onto CD) our
work for sale to people who can afford the costs of distribution, but
who can not afford the costs of proprietary content.

At the same time, we also do nothing thereby to stand in the way of
people acting charitably to distribute the same thing for free as in beer.

Noncommercial licenses are deeply flawed as a way to help the poor.


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