[Announce-l] Wikizine - number: -2

Walter Vermeir walter at wikipedia.be
Mon Oct 31 14:31:58 UTC 2005

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Year: 2005  Week:44   Number:-2        


An internal news bulletin for the 
members of the Wikimedia community.


=== Technical news ===
-[China] After the move to the Korean cluster for an short time Wikipedia was back online in China. 
But it is blocked again.

=== Foundation ===
-[UN & Wikipedia] The UN is holding the second of two gatherings for its "World Summit
on the Information Society" [WSIS] in a few weeks  ( www.itu.int/wsis/
).  Wikimedia is sending representatives to the event. Translations are needed.

-[Answers.com] the co-operation with Wikipedia and Answers.com gives unrest in the community

=== Stats ===
- The Frisian Wikipedia has reached 2,000 pages.

=== Feedback request ===
This is number -2 of Wikizine. In a few weeks I need to dicide of the expermiment of 
Wikizine will stop or not. If you have commons about Wikizine please let my known.
wikizine at wikipedia.be

Editor: [[w:nl:gebruiker:Walter]]

Disclaimer: this message is not an 
official publication of the Wikimedia Foundation. 
Wikizine makes no guarantee of validity.

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