[Announce-l] Wikizine - number: -5

Walter Vermeir walter at wikipedia.be
Tue Oct 11 22:18:29 UTC 2005

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Year: 2005  Week:41   Number:-5


An internal news bullition for the
members of the Wikimedia community.


=== Technical news ===

-[Rename user] This option is disappeared. No news why or if it will return.

-[Nuke] On the Wiki of Meta the is an new option for sysops "Mass
delete" (Special:Nuke). This tool allows for mass deletions of pages
recently added by a given user or IP.

-[Korean Wikipedia] has moved to the Yahoo-cluster in Korea. This is the
first real use of this cluster. Other East Asian wikis will follow.

-[IRC-Wikimedia] the IRC-channels of the Wikimedia have moved. All
#prefix.wikixxx has changed.

-[IRC-usernames] Freenode will also change policy for the usernames. Not
yet active.

==Politics ==
-[Wikinews] will now be using the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License

== Stats ==
-[Alexa] says Wikipedia is now around the 32th most popular website

== Other news ==
-[deads] French core contributor dies


Disclaimer: this message is not an
official publication of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Wikizine makes no guarantee of validity.

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