[Advocacy Advisors] Commissioner Ansip mentions FoP

Dimitar Parvanov Dimitrov dimitar.parvanov.dimitrov at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 13:32:23 UTC 2015

Salut la liste!

Presenting the Digital Single Market Strategy last month, the
Vice-President Ansip and Commissioner Oettinger focued on exceptions for
libraries, education and text and data mining. A few days ago, at at speech
at the European Digital Forum Vice-President Ansip mentioned FoP as a
standalone example, which is a good indicator that agenda-setting efforts
are getting traction:

Then there is the wide variety of rules that apply across the EU's 28
countries, with exceptions that are different in every one.

Exceptions for public libraries, museums, archives, teaching; different
rules everywhere about using photos of public buildings.

The result is a series of national discrepancies: hardly a fair environment
for creative competition in a single internal market. The rules should be
brought into line across Europe so everyone knows where they stand.

Europe's strength lies in its cultural diversity. But culture thrives on
exchange and openness – not from being locked away on artificial cultural
'islands' where others cannot gain access.


Many thanks to everyone who participated so far and have a sunny weekend!


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