[Advocacy Advisors] Quick notes on Andrus Ansip

aktron at centrum.cz aktron at centrum.cz
Tue Oct 7 17:54:10 UTC 2014

This seems interesting. At least some guy who knows the stuff... :-)
> Od: Dimitar Parvanov Dimitrov <dimitar.parvanov.dimitrov at gmail.com>
> Komu: Advocacy Advisory Group for WMF LCA <Advocacy_Advisors at lists.wikimedia.org>
> Datum: 07.10.2014 11:41
> Předmět: [Advocacy Advisors] Quick notes on Andrus Ansip
Hi all,

just to let you know that the second "digital" Commissioner had his hearing last night and to share some impressions with you. Adrus Ansip from Estonia is designated as Vice-President for the Digital Single Market. 

Overall he appeared well prepared and knowledgeable on the issues he was asked. On copyright reform, the three main points he made were clear enough:

*Remove territoriality within the EU (meaning: harmonisation)
*Current copyright is prohibitive for text and data mining (meaning: new exceptions/limitations)
*Geo-blocking goes against the core of the digital single market. I will work to abolish it. (meaning: again harmonisation)Other interesting points he made included:

*Net Neutrality is important (comment: but then he spoke about search neutrality so I am confused)*Right to be forgotten must remain an exception (meaning: unclear)*Access to internet is a human right and we need an internet rights charta (comment: sounds great)*Data protection is very important (comment: avoided clear wording on what this means)*Software code produced for the EU must be open source or free software, coding must be part of school curriculum 
Other than that he talked a lot about paperless administration. In relation to Oettinger (Commissioner-designate for Digital Economy and Society) , he sees himself as the "horizontal" commissioner, while his German colleague is the "vertical" one. My favourite and most re-tweeted sound-bite was: "We have to review our copyright legislation especially in regard to territoriality. This is old-fashioned". 


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