[Advocacy Advisors] leak of EU Commission copyright whitepaper

Jan Weisensee jan.weisensee at posteo.de
Tue Jun 24 21:06:44 UTC 2014

Hi Dimi, all,

I can only agree with what has been said about the role of the "market"
for the Commission. In my experience, DG Markt officials are very
business-minded with a strong focus on cross-border aspects. The DG
Markt people I worked with cared more about whether a given proposal
creates an EU-wide frictionless market with "healthy" competition rather
than whether it protects one particular business model or (non-profit)

Moreover, the White Paper sees copyright primarily as "an important
driver of economic growth and employment" with the goal of "rewarding
creativity and intellectual work". In other words: without copyright no
intellectual work, and without intellectual work no jobs.

IMHO, as a result of this, we might want to check each argument that we
use against:

- Its relevance for the Internal Market (with particular emphasis on
cross-border access), i.e. its contribution to greater harmonisation;
- Possible economic benefits for the digital economy in the EU (such as
the ePSI platform Jens mentioned);
- Its impact on new business models (new licensing systems, UGC business
models, etc.);

Best regards,

Am 23.06.2014 16:51, schrieb Dimitar Parvanov Dimitrov:
> Hi all,
> Skimmed through the document. The basic position is that they
> recommend action to be taken in the 2014-2019 period, but don't want
> to say whether this should legislative or other. The positions range
> from harmonising exceptions (teaching, persons with disability) to
> basically refraining from any binding steps (in the cases of
> user-generated content, e-lending).
> Perhaps one good development is that the Commission sees copyright as
> "part of a broader set of 'rules of the game'" for the internet, which
> means that they've gotten the notion of /net politics /comprising many
> different policy sectors.
> As Luis pointed out, some nuances might be quite important in setting
> the tone for the next years. And since this is just a draft and these
> little bits can change in the final version, I would refrain from
> making definitive public statements for now.
> One thing I'd like to point out already, though. The Commission
> mentions three objectives of a possible copyright reform and two of
> them contain the word "market". As long as copyright remians an
> economic tool within DG MARKT, we will need to talk about economic
> benefits of free knowledge in order to be taken seriously. Talking
> only about cultural, democratic and educational benefits will relegate
> us to the role of a second-class stakeholder.
> Dimi
> 2014-06-23 16:08 GMT+02:00 Mathias Schindler
> <mathias.schindler at wikimedia.de <mailto:mathias.schindler at wikimedia.de>>:
>     > I haven't been able to read it all yet, but thought I'd share here -
>     > interested to hear other people's take.
>     First reactions are disappointment with this Whitepaper. I recommend
>     reading this document next to the upcoming Impact Assessment (an early
>     draft has been published on statewatch.org <http://statewatch.org>).
>     Mathias
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