[Advocacy Advisors] European Commission Copyright Consultation

Stevie Benton stevie.benton at wikimedia.org.uk
Mon Jan 27 17:11:58 UTC 2014

OK, great. I'll take a look tomorrow and let you know how it goes.


On 27 January 2014 17:09, Dimitar Parvanov Dimitrov <
dimitar.parvanov.dimitrov at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Stevie,
> yes, please have a look at it. If possible we should have the FKGAEU
> registered. If you don't manage let me know and I will try. I have the
> Brussels address anyway.
> Dimi
> 2014-01-27 Stevie Benton <stevie.benton at wikimedia.org.uk>
> Hello everyone,
>> I will be registering Wikimedia UK on the transparency register later on
>> this week (tomorrow, I hope).
>> Dimi, shall I look at registering the FKAGEU while I'm at it? Given
>> Michael's comment above it seems perfectly reasonable for the group to be
>> registered.
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Stevie
>> On 27 January 2014 12:13, Michael Maggs <Michael at maggs.name> wrote:
>>> Hi Dimitar
>>> There is no need to turn FKAGEU into an incorporated entity in order to
>>> register on the EU's Transparency Register.  The EU site specifically says
>>> that:
>>> *Networks, platforms or other forms of collective activity without a
>>> legal status or legal personality but which constitute de facto a source of
>>> organised influence, and engaged in activities falling within the scope of
>>> the register are expected to register. In such case its members should
>>> identify one of their number as its responsible contact person for their
>>> relations with the administration of the register.*
>>> http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/info/your-organisation/whoRegister.do?locale=en
>>> It's not very clear what that means, but presumably something more than
>>> a loose collection of interested individuals, as reference is made to
>>> "members", and the form that needs to be filled in refers to
>>> "organisations".
>>> Michael
>>> On 27 Jan 2014, at 10:28, Dimitar Parvanov Dimitrov wrote:
>>> HI Michael,
>>> 2014-01-27 Michael Maggs <Michael at maggs.name>
>>>> It’s not clear to me what will be done with the answers proposed so far
>>>> at
>>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/European_Commission_copyright_consultation
>>>>  Will  they be submitted as they are, or is someone proposing to merge
>>>> them into a single version (even though many answers have been signed)?
>>>> Also unclear unless I have missed something is who will the answers be
>>>> submitted by, and on whose behalf?  Only individuals - and not the
>>>> Foundation nor chapters - have formally posted answers so far, so is the
>>>> intention that the answers will be submitted by and on behalf of those
>>>> individuals only?
>>> We will try our best to merge the many different answers into a coherent
>>> set. If this works, the WMF,chapters and individuals will be free to decide
>>> whether they wish to submit these answers in their own name.
>>>> If the intention is that a formal response will be submitted on behalf
>>>> of the unincorporated group *Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU*, then
>>>> it would be sensible for that group to register with the
>>>> EU Transparency Register, here:
>>> Inded,the intention for this was to have a more formal response (and
>>> sfety net, as we couldn't have been sure how well the experiment on
>>> Meta-Wiki will work). In this case again, each chapter and individual is
>>> free to use the answering set. As far as the Transparency register is
>>> concerned, we cannot list the Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU, since it is
>>> not a legal entity. We do, however, have three chapters that are on this
>>> register - WMDE, WMIT and WMMK. It is up to each and every chapter to do
>>> this step. Alternatively we can talk about actually founding the FKAGEU,
>>> but that is a conversation that need to be led in a differnt setting.
>>> Dimi
>>>> From: Dimitar Parvanov Dimitrov <dimitar.parvanov.dimitrov at gmail.com>
>>>> Date: 21 January 2014 14:51
>>>> Subject: [Wikimedia-l] European Commission Copyright Consultation
>>>> To: Wikimedia Mailing List <wikimedia-l at lists.wikimedia.org>
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> Just a quick reminder that we have 6 more days to collaboratively draft
>>>> answers to the European Commission's copyright consultation.
>>>> The idea is to give the global, online community a chance to come up
>>>> with
>>>> answers that, if coherent enough, can then be officially given to the
>>>> Commission.
>>>> We see this as a social experiment, since no one until now has ever
>>>> attempted to answer collaboratively and publicly such short-termed and
>>>> in-depth consultations.
>>>> The corresponding link is:
>>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/European_Commission_copyright_consultation
>>>> Have fun answering!
>>>> Dimi
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>> Stevie Benton
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Stevie Benton
Head of External Relations
Wikimedia UK
+44 (0) 20 7065 0993 / +44 (0) 7803 505 173

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