[Advocacy Advisors] [Wikimediauk-l] EU copyright consultation deadline has beenextended

Andrew Gray andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk
Tue Feb 4 10:13:52 UTC 2014

Quick query - given the extensions, have we filed the WMF submission
yet or are we holding off for further comments through February? Not
clear from the meta page...


On 31 January 2014 23:25, Michael Maggs <Michael at maggs.name> wrote:
> Thanks for the update. Not sure how "terrific" I find that news, personally,
> given that I have spent around 20 hours over the last two days working to
> meet the original deadline!
> Best regards
> Michael
> ____________
> Michael Maggs
> Chair, Wikimedia UK
> On 31 Jan 2014, at 23:10, Luis Villa <lvilla at wikimedia.org> wrote:
> That's terrific to hear!
> As an update on my end, I've done up to question 71, so this gives us a
> little more time to review and flesh those out.
> [For what it is worth, Michael, looking at the page here shows:
> From 05.12.2013 to 05.03.2014 (deadline extended).
> ]
> Luis
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- Andrew Gray
  andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk

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