[Advocacy Advisors] Wikipedia Zero and net neutrality

Jens Best jens.best at wikimedia.de
Tue Aug 12 12:55:39 UTC 2014

Ups, of course it should say "Lila" in the header (damn autocorrect).

2014-08-12 14:53 GMT+02:00 Jens Best <jens.best at wikimedia.de>:

> Hi Dimi, Hi Lili, Hi Yana, Hi all,
> Dimi, thanks for listing some factual thoughts on the subject. But there
> are times for factual debate and there are times to get some things
> straight first to make a factual debate possible to start.
> What has to be made straight first:
> - The foundation has to issue an letter of excuse for this
> incomprehensible assault of Patricio against net neutrality activists.
> Practically calling them enemies of human rights is unacceptable and
> destroys any common ground to discuss further on.
> - As insulting as the statement of Patricio was, it gave us a glimpse to
> see the real face of the foundation. It became clear that all this is right
> now a fake-debate.
> The foundation isn't willing to have this debate as open outcoming as it
> should be - this means be willing to stop WP0 because it is a clear
> violation of net neutrality. Patricio's statement made it clear what ways
> the foundation is willing to "argue" for keeping their marketing campaign
> called Wikipedia Zero running.
> Therefore does a debate about that subject makes NO sense as long there is
> now a clear signal of the foundation that they take the discussion
> seriously. Words are not enough anymore - all efforts pushing Wikipedia
> Zero forward and violating net neutrality even more and wider must
> verifiable stop before any statement/proposal of part of the foundation can
> be taken seriously.
> As long these two reasonable preconditions are not met, any talk about
> taking net neutrality seriously AND finding a way to share Wikimedia's part
> of the Free Knowldege of the world to more people is senseless.
> best regards
> Jens

Jens Best
Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
web: http://www.wikimedia.de
mail: jens.best <http://goog_17221883>@wikimedia.de

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