[Advocacy Advisors] Does the Foundation intend to propose any actual actions?

Amgine amgine at wikimedians.ca
Mon Feb 18 04:22:50 UTC 2013

As I don't think the list is interested in sampling methodology, I'll 
address that off-list.

On 17/02/13 08:11 PM, James Salsman wrote:

> ... and now it seems there is no interest in determining how offen the 
> community thinks advocacy actions should occur. It would not take very 
> much time, effort, or money to learn the answers to these questions.

Well, I am not exactly an expert on this topic, but I believe you are 
simply wrong on all three points in your final sentence. To get useful 
data does take time, consideration, and usually that implies money as 
well - or social capital in enlisting expert volunteers whose efforts 
might be better spent on topics other than satisfying a single user's 

Assuming you're wrong in those points, why-ever would anyone assume 
you're correct on any of the others?


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