Ack, sorry for the (no subject); again in the right thread:
> For external uses like XML dumps integrating the compression 
> strategy into LZMA would however be very attractive. This would also
> benefit other users of LZMA compression like HBase.

For dumps or other uses, 7za -mx=3 / xz -3 is your best bet.

That has a 4 MB buffer, compression ratios within 15-25% of 
current 7zip (or histzip), and goes at 30MB/s on my box, 
which is still 8x faster than the status quo (going by a 1GB 

Trying to get quick-and-dirty long-range matching into LZMA isn't 
feasible for me personally and there may be inherent technical 
difficulties. Still, I left a note on the 7-Zip boards as folks
suggested; feel free to add anything there: