Hi,Which Wikipedia do you want? What data do you want?
> I would like to access the Wiki dumps for Wikipedia and Wikitravel.
> Essentially, I am looking to get dumps for some US cities from both these
> sources for product research. However, it is not very clear at
> http://dumps.wikimedia.org/backup-index.html, which are the relevant files
> to pick up.
If you want the dumps of the English Wikipedia, find “enwiki” in the
index page, which will link to the most recent dump files (currently
http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/20120211/). If you want current text
of articles, you want the pages-articles dump (currently
7.6 GB).
Wikitravel is not run by Wikimedia, so you won't find their dump at
the same page. You can find information about their dump at