Hi, it's me again!

I am still in residence until December 31 but already planing the future and a new residence. 

In 2021, I will have a position with a different mission but in the same structure, and I will be able to supervise an internship. With the impulse of Noé (who pushed for my residence), we built this new project with a very active contributor of Lingua Libre, WikiLucas00. 

Lingua Libre is a growing project supported by Wikimédia France, which aims to record pronunciations and signs online. The interface reached a solid v. 2 in 2020 and allows easy massive recording, the uploading of the files to Wikimedia Commons, and a bot integrates the files to a bunch of Wiktionaries.

WikiLucas00 is doing a Master's degree in NLP (linguistics with computers) in Grenoble after a Licence in Lyon. From May to August 2021, he aims to facilitate recording workshops or individual collection by building suggested tasks. He may also challenge the patrol workflow for new recordings.

The full presentation is here: https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/Projet:Lingualibriste_en_résidence

Do you think he could be considered as a member of our gang of WiRians? 

If you have any thoughts about this project, I'd be glad to read your words!

Sébastien GATHIER


Wiktionnariste en résidence - Dictionnaire des Francophones


Institut international pour la Francophonie (2IF)


Adresse postale :

Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3

Institut international pour la Francophonie

1C, avenue des Frères Lumière – CS 78242 - 69 372 Lyon cedex 08 – France



Bâtiment Citroën

24, rue Salomon Reinach – 69 007 Lyon – France


Ligne directe : +33 (0)4 78 78 73 71





L'Université Jean Moulin est membre fondateur de l'Université de Lyon.