Looks really cool! May be good to go on the CROW telegram group to dicusss it as some folks there might have some experience with it? I see on Phabricator they have suggested to take it elsewhere for discussion 

On Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 5:21 AM Željko Blaće <zblace@mi2.hr> wrote:
Hey folks
This user group had external pressures of voting recently and I felt
this should be avoided or done with more support by WMF in tools and
methods, so maybe we should consider using LOOMIO?
Hope you can support it at least as a test service on WMFlabs...
Could you check it out? https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T258317

Best Z

Wren mailing list
-Andrew Lih
Author of The Wikipedia Revolution
US National Archives Citizen Archivist of the Year (2016)
Knight Foundation grant recipient - Wikipedia Space (2015)
Wikimedia DC - Outreach and GLAM
Previously: professor of journalism and communications, American University, Columbia University, USC
Email: andrew@andrewlih.com
WEB: https://muckrack.com/fuzheado
PROJECT: Wikipedia Space: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:WPSPACE