On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 10:25 AM Željko Blaće <zblace@mi2.hr> wrote:
Hey folks - I started editing a bit on simple.wikipedia.org as I find
it important entry point for people who have lower level of
understanding written and elaborate English + over-abundance of
information inside of the main and mature Wikipedia articles.

I also want to start encouraging people in my region to consider
applying for the WiR positions (as none have done before me) and also
as I will work with local GLAMs to understand this better in 2021.
However I found WiRs page super short and made first corrections

What text or media do you think should be added to this?
My impression is it should not go much more than 2-3 extra paragraphs...

It would be ideal for this to be developed with other non-native
speakers and people who recently entered Wikimedia ecosystem (if they
still remember impressions of getting first info and figuring things
out)...than reviewed by native speakers and long-time insiders :-)

Best Z

I added some media, minimum info on policies and references to WREN.
What else is absolutely essential info to fit in this format?

If someone can look at this before the next meeting that would be great 
as I would use this bare-bones info to do Croatian translation 
and also feature in future promo print publications.

Thank you!