Dear WPWP Local Organizing Team and participants  ,

We hope this email finds you well and you are keeping safe amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that has disrupted many activities globally.

The WPWP Campaign is now closed in many countries and we am excited to inform you that the campaign added photos to more than 80,000 Wikipedia articles in 269 languages and 569 people participated in the campaign globally.

This is a huge success and the campaign would not have been this successful without your quality contributions. Although, we experienced some difficulties during the campaign but that is not uncommon for a new campaign, especially a campaign that involves editing the mainspace in multiple languages Wikipedia.

We are documenting our learning and community feedback and we strongly believe they would be useful for improving the next edition of the campaign.

We plan to constitute the International Jury Team this week and if you would like to join us in coordinating the Jury, please let me know.

Thanks for all your contributions to the WPWP Campaign this year and congratulations to you.

With best regards,
Isaac Olatunde
Project Manager and Coordinator