I am happy to inform you all that the form for the bid to host Indaba in 2020 has been closed as per the stated deadline, 7th March. 3 countries from 3 different sub-regions on the continent applied and I am excited we gave a final push to make this happen.
In view of this new development, I think it is important for us to meet soon to discuss the criteria for selection and the date for deliberation/selection of the host for 2020. Considering that Indaba this year will be delayed until June/July, the 2020 host country will have very little time to prepare and hence reaching a decision as soon as possible is crucial to a successful 2020 event.
Please select a date via this
doodle poll to help us conclude on a possible date for our next meeting.
Warm regards,
Felix Nartey
Cofounder/Managing Director
+233242844987 | +447452508504