Most excellent!

Claire Szabo-Cassella 

Red Scooter Diaries
Access Advocacy.

Ph: (503) 619-9664

On Apr 13, 2020, at 10:55 PM, wrote:

Well, if Timon's "friends" had maintained social distancing and stayed home instead of coming over to his place to mooch off of his hospitality, maybe it would have turned out differently...

Or Timon would have gotten his stimulus relief check, which would have bailed him out...wait, NOBODY who isn't a personal friend of Treasury Secretary Steve Mn...Mn...Unpronounceable has gotten their check, so that won't work either.

They're right. It still turns out the same. Never mind.

Great contribution to topical humor and Shakespeareana, Maggie. Many thanks.

Best wishes.


Quoting Maggie Megaw <>:

You may have most of you already seen this, but if not...

[A close up of text on a white background  Description automatically generated]

business affairs inc.
Maggie Megaw
business affairs inc.
(310) 954-8440
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los angeles ca 90025

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