This was one of the lead news items on the NBC local news page yesterday and today.  It highlights the danger that teachers and families face as they attempt to pull out onto FM 969.  And there’s a great photo of Jon with his braces:

I used to work with some students at the KIPP school out there in the same complex about 7-8 years ago and I was always uneasy about trying to pull out of that site heading west — it’s on a hill, for starters.  And I’m sure it’s much worse now with all the new development out there.

Madge thanks again for spreading the word and keeping us all updated.  I laugh every time I envision Jon cracking his jokes on the dry erase board.


On Nov 13, 2016, at 7:03 PM, Madge Darlington <> wrote:

Hi all,

If you haven't heard yet, Jon Watson (Winedale '90, '93, Globe Hamlet) was in a terrible car crash on Friday, Nov. 11 in Austin.

He is alive and lucky to be so. He's in ICU at Brakenridge hospital with multiple fractures and as of tonight he's still on a ventilator. 

Thank goodness Dr. Don Brode is here and tracking his health. Tara Kirkland and I have been with Jon's family in the ICU for much of the weekend. 

He's going to have a long road of recovery. Even though he's on the vent, he's had lucid moments and has been his usual witty self, cracking jokes, rolling his eyes, writing things on a whiteboard. So we're very assured that he's still our Jon.

Here's a caring bridge site where we are posting updates:

Love to you all. Please send prayers if ya got em and lots of good intentions.
Madge and Tara
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