Last and maybe least, but no less sincere: Wishing you joy and much revelry as you mark another trip around the sun, Doc.

You made me understand that there's no clock in the forest, and I appreciate that wisdom more with the passing of each season. And even without a clock, the seasons leave their mark of time upon us all, and I grow ever more grateful for your time with all of us through the years: your old (and getting older) students, the Camp Shakespeare kids, and, so a little (Kathy Black)bird told me, some seriously ill youngsters at the children's hospital. Thank you for sharing so much with so many. I can't begin to imagine how different my life would have been without my time at Winedale with you.

With love,

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 12:54 PM, Leigh Oberholzer <> wrote:
Dear Doc, A very very happy birthday to someone who made a huge impact on my life. So grateful to you.

Leigh a k a Charla the Wrestler
Winedale-l mailing list

Robert Faires
Arts Editor
The Austin Chronicle