Dearest Madge, 

     I will summon my young self, summer 1975, and write a note. Thank you for asking! A lovely idea. 


Mary Collins

On Sat, Jun 1, 2024 at 6:59 PM Madge Darlington <> wrote:
Hi all,

The first summer I arrived at Winedale in 1989, Doc put a fax on the bulletin board. It was a facsimile of a handwritten note welcoming us all to Winedale and telling us what joys lay ahead. It was from a woman named Joy Howard. It was a warm and wonderful greeting, and it immediately struck me that someone I didn't even know was thinking about me arriving at Winedale. She expressed both hopes for me and expectations of me. She signed it, "Thine by yea or nay." 

That message meant so much to me that I removed it from the bulletin board, and I still have it somewhere. I would send a copy, but I couldn't find it today in my rush to prepare for Winedale. 

One week from today, 17 students who have never participated in the summer Shakespeare at Winedale program will arrive at the dorm. I have a favor to ask. Could you write them a note, please? I will post the emails on the board. I want them to know what an amazing community they've entered into. It doesn't have to be long—just a note, like Joy's, telling them you are thinking of them as they embark on a summer of discovery. 

Love and thanks to all,

Madge Darlington
(512) 627-6038

Be vigitant, I beseech you!
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