Thanks Dave, and everyone involved in the reunion - the performance was wonderful, and it was great to see everyone.   Part of me had forgotten the Strong Magic of Winedale, and I resolve  not to do so again.  

Here's a video of the whole last section of the performance; audio's a bit low, sorry.  - here's a page to upload pics, movies, documents, whatever you want.  This goes to my Amazon storage account;  it's cheap (less than 20 cents per month per gigabyte) and bottomless, so anything anyone wants to share, just fire away!   Until I work out a way to add metadata, try to name files so they can be identified, i.e. with year and people or performance involved.  I'll be setting up a login for this and the virtual scene, using the emails on this list.   

I'll have an update of the virtual scene soon; I've already developed code for tagging that won't take much to adapt.  The winedale scene will also be playable in the browser (and maybe iphone/android), but that will be a few weeks.  


On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 1:04 AM, David Ziegler <> wrote:
Show us more!  We now have even more tags to add to the memory palace, about the 2010 Reunion:
1)  We were all standing here on the stage when one the most disastrous train-wreck I've ever been a part of occurred:  a three-car pile-up during the performance the night before the Reunion, when Twelfth Night came to a crushing halt because we all forgot our lines and no one knew where in the hell we were in the scene.
2)  Under the pecan trees here, Doc gave one of those most eloquent lessons about a Shakespeare scene which I treasure so much:  about Twelfth Night  -- he asked if I really thought Feste was just another Dromio, and pointed out to Jayne that Malvolio just can't stand someone SPEAKing, and impressed upon Kathy the necessity of making Olivia available for love, and touched with Stan on Henri Bergson and Viola's elan vital.
3)  Here stood Jayne as Hermione, before the audience, waiting to come to life again.
4)  There Doc stood telling us heartful tales of Miss Ima about the Houston Grand Opera and paint on her dress and his rented tux -- as the sun set and the fireflies started to flicker and deer probably started to draw near to listen.
5)  At this picnic table, David Ziegler sat, piddling his pants with a clear, hydrated stream, when Jon Watson launched into "I only kill cats and dogs" ... in DRAG!
etc. etc. etc.
... if you include The Shelby in your app, there could be more tags made, not all worth remembering, some about sottishness.
So, work your dark computer programming arts and tell us when we can all pitch in!  And thanks so much for coming to the performance and to the Dog and Duck to help everyone deal with the postpartum.

From: jim cherry
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2010 9:45 AM
Subject: [Winedale-l] Virtual Winedale  
OSX Universal Binary standalone build
Windows standalone build

Hello friends!   Above are links to virtual Winedale scene I put together in the last few days (screenshot here).   Download the appropriate package, unzip, and enjoy!   Note the quality and resolution dialog when you launch it;  if you're in doubt as to the strength of your machine, try lower resolution and quality settings.   I haven't spent much time optimizing this, but I'm releasing early, and hopefully often.   I built it with a prerelease beta of Unity3, so there might be some bugs, YMMV.   Only the barn is textured now, the other buildings are placeholders.

My idea is to make this like a memory palace, where alumni and well-wishers can chat and tag locations with comments, stories, pictures, etc...  Many of my most treasured memories are geolocated, as we say, at this place, and I know I'm not alone in that.  I also hope this can benefit the endowment somehow. 

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on August 14th!

Jim Cherry, class of 85 and 86

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