My sweet Winedale Friends, 

About the only thing that will make my New Year bright --besides the continued happiness and joy of my family and my friends--would be if the entire GOP was swept into a hellish sea of fire and brimstone.  

Which seems the antithesis of well, just about everything all these winter holidays stand for.   

But there you go. 

They are ushering in a world of hurt to our most vulnerable citizens. 

But it is with joy that I remember Winedale and all the wonderful times we have shared performing ourselves and our communities into being using Shakespeare as our guide. 

We have been lucky in this world to have found Shakespeare and Winedale and Doc and each other. 

I love you all. 

 And hope there was a lot of merriness for you and your families  -- as there has been for me  and mine-- during these holidays that are meant to be so life-affirming!

Let's keep affirming.  

And keep resisting, through work and play, all those mean-minded orange-coiffed Grinches . out there. 

Love to you all. 

Merry Everything and Happy Every After!


-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Sides <>
To: Mary Collins <>
Cc: James Ayres <>; Shakespeare at Winedale 1970-2000 alums <>; Shakespeare Winedale Winedale <>
Sent: Tue, Dec 26, 2017 9:22 am
Subject: Re: Best wishes

And a Happy New Year, y'all!

On Mon, Dec 25, 2017 at 11:11 PM, Mary Collins <> wrote:
Thank you, Dearest Doc. Merry Christmas, and here's to a brighter New Year, indeed!

Love to all,

On Sun, Dec 24, 2017 at 1:06 PM, James Ayres <> wrote:
to all of you and yours for a healthy and happy holiday season and hopefully brighter new year!



Jim (Doc) Ayres
Professor Emeritus, The University of Texas
Founding Director, Shakespeare at Winedale and Camp Shakespeare
Director of Mission, Camp Shakespeare

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