Happy un- and really impressive Birthday,  Doc!
Jeanne McCarthy (79, 81...)

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On Mar 20, 2013, at 6:48 AM, "\(William\) Brett Youens" <freewillyb@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi Doc,

I hear it's your 80th birthday.  I certainly wish I could be there to congratulate you.  I hope your 80th is a good one.

I am still over in Germany.  Still doing music, but also studying mathematics.  I am very happy.  Also got married in 2011.

As you already know, Shakespeare at Winedale played a huge role in me becoming who I am.  Without that experience there would be so much that I would be missing - and I wouldn't even know that I would be missing it.  And I have that, thanks to you. To play's the thing.

So thanks again, and have a happy birthday,
Brett Youens, '96, '99
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