Hi Virginia - I uploaded about 80 photos from 1980, but since you didn't have a folder for 1980, I uploaded to 1979 which didn't have any photos in it.  I really hope this isn't going to screw things up terribly.  If you want to delete those photos, I can upload again to a 1980 folder if you create one.  I also have a few photos from 1978, which I added to the 1978 folder.  I have the program from 1979 that I can upload, but didn't want to add to the confusion by adding it to the 1979 folder.  Again, sorry for the confusion.  I had to rush to get these digitized and uploaded in time.  I;m so excited to see it all put together! 
Thanks for all your hard work, Cindy Jaynes (1978 and 1980)

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 6:51 PM, Virginia Rufener-Angus <vrangus@mac.com> wrote:
I have been organizing all the photos I have by years. I have them published


There are a few years that have several photos (especially 1975-77), but
there are some years that are underrepresented. I have NO PHOTOS for the
2000s!!?? Those should be the digital ones, and easy to share, so please,
all you young Winedale Whippersnappers, get your photos to me so you guys
can be in the slide show. You and your peers are the only ones that still
have eyesight good enough to see the screen, and it would be a shame if
there were no photos of you!

The photo I have are organized in groups by years.  Some of the years are
out of order. I can't figure out why, and I'm not smart enough to fix it, so
you may have to browse around a bit...

There are also groups of photos for the Memorial Students. So far I have
photos for Ken Gonzales, Valerie Vescovo, Steven Stepan and Donald Britton.
If you have more photos of any of these individuals, or know of other alumni
that should be honored, please let me know.

I have tried to go in and grab all the photos I saw in the Winedale Group
emails, but I may have missed a few (or a thousand).

If you have shared pictures, please take a moment to look at your years or
the memorial person's group to make sure I have the photo included. If you
don't see your photos there, I don't have them!!! Help! Please take a few
minutes to upload the your photos to the proper year. Please! Please? You
can upload with the upload button, or use the email link on each page to
"email" the photo to the page.

If you have photos you have not shared yet, this is your last chance. I'll
take all the photo submissions I receive before Saturday night and create
the video on Sunday. I'll send it off to Winedale on Monday.

Thanks for sharing your pictures!!!!


Virginia Rufener-Angus
458 Grey Squirrel Way
Franktown, CO 80116

Home 303-814-3395
Cell 303-803-4955

Winedale-l mailing list
