Dear folks,

Thanks to Steve Price, we now have contact information for Shari Gray, who as some of you know has been ill for some time, and who has been living with her mom in Houston (the motherlode of medical expertise). I spoke to her on the phone this afternoon, and she would be happy to hear from any of us who wish to call her on her now-working cell phone number: 323-633-5040.

Shari is now subscribed to this list through her mother's email address at, but may switch to another email address later on. She says she hopes to see us at Winedale this summer and wants to know (if anyone happens to know) whether it will be possible for her to be carried up to the barn in her van. (She walks with a cane and has difficulty on some of the rough surfaces in the parking lot and walkway.)

Finally, she asked me whether anyone has one of the great greenish four-color Shakespeare-at-Winedale posters from 1980. It turns out Shari had a housesitter who threw away her earlier copy of the poster because it creeped him out. (I asked whether it was the picture of Bruce or the picture of Terry on it that was scary, but Shari wouldn't say. ) "But the poster doesn't creep *me* out," says Shari, which of course is the important thing.

If you have the urge, give Shari a call.
