"Sent from Africa" Bruce! well, i don't have anything as good as that going on, but i can't get there. At least not til 7pm. I sure would love to see and hug you, Doctor James Ayres. 
And, all y'all.
Will Kathy require we do drink margaritas? Will there be lingering 'neath the pecans? Unless I hear otherwise I'm assuming y'all are breaking up the shenanigans in the afternoon and i'm out of luck. i am fortune's fool.
Have the most glorious day, Doc!!!!

On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 12:21 AM, DB Wharton <dbwharton@yahoo.com> wrote:
Please put me in Mike's column:  So much wanting to be there, but simply not able to.  Sending virtual bear hugs with tremendous admiration, affection and thanks.

Bruce Wharton

Sent from Africa

On Mar 19, 2013, at 3:02, Mike Godwin <mnemonic@gmail.com> wrote:

> How I wish I could be there. I've relocated to DC, and am working my
> way out of the hole dug by two years' unemployment, but I will be you
> all in spirit, and especially with you, Doc.
> Love,
> --Mike
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