Grateful to hear so many thoughts so far, and I want to say I'm happy to join any meetings that take place in Austin.
One thing I'm hoping is that we can find ways to include those folks who won't be able to spend a week or even a couple of days at Winedale before the reunion or who don't live in a city where there are other alums they could spend some time working up a scene or scenes with as the Austin crew did in 2010. An idea that's been rattling around in my head is a Sonnet Marathon, where people could sign up in advance to perform a particular sonnet and at some point during the weekend, all 154 could be performed back to back, maybe under the pecans, maybe somewhere else. Or maybe just chunks would be scheduled at different places at different times over however many days we're there.
In my mind, it's a wide-open format, with ancianos, James' students, and past and present Camp Shakespeareans all in the mix, perhaps even performing together. I expect a lot of people would perform solo, but why not have two people, three, a dozen collaborating on one sonnet the way they would a scene? I remember how Doc assigned us the Patchen poems with the idea of making a full performance out of each one. It was terrifying, but it worked at getting us to prepare alone. (Hey, anyone want to do some Patchen poems?)
Anyway, it would allow people who might be able to show up for only a day to have a chance to perform, even as a solo. They sign up in advance, prepare on their own, and show up and do their 14 lines.