-----Original Message-----
From: Madge Darlington <mmdarlington@gmail.com>
To: Andy Bond <andybond23@gmail.com>
Cc: Shakespeare at Winedale 1970-2000 alums <winedale-l@lists.wikimedia.org>
Sent: Fri, Jul 23, 2010 5:14 pm
Subject: Re: [Winedale-l] More pictures
That's Andre Silva that Mr. Bond is referring to. Ah, the Mighty Brace...
Sent from my iPhone
Yes, thank you for these, Jenny! I can help with some identification:
The third "wild man" in the pics from 1994 was named Andre _____. Madge might remember his last name.
The pic called '35 Lovell' in the 1996 folder is from 1995's Comedy of Errors. With him in that pic is Marie Black.
The year-less pics of the interior of the barn are from 1994, that's the year we built the "wattle and daub" set pieces in the upper stage. Not pictured: the Mighty Brace!
Much love,
On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Smith, Laura R. (Legislative Affairs)
<laursmit@utmb.edu> wrote:
Yes, these are great! Don’t know how the 2 random
ones from 75 ended up in this compilation -- they’re certainly not
star pictures from 75! (It’s Michael Barker and me in the store, and Donald,
Judy, Kevin, Jerald, Alice, Michael and Doc flailing about on the exercise mats)
-- they’re also included in the big 75-76 package I’ve posted on
Flickr here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lstraverso/sets/72157624458195374
The ‘boy and made up actor” is a 1975 photo I took
of Whitney Ayers (Doc’s son) and Terry Galloway 75. And Grab girl
on tarp is Katherine ___ and Nick____ from 76 . .
It’s really fun to see a sample of pictures through the
ages . . thanks for sharing!
How excellent, Jennifer.
I can tell you that
"boy and made-up actor"
"grab girl on tarp"
were not from 1979 but from earlier years. The made-up actor is Terry Galloway.
In 1981, no need for question marks next to "Perdita and Florizel" or
"Proteus and Valentine."
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