Hey everyone --

I don't know if anyone has posted any info on Rob Matney's situation on the email list, but just in case:

Rob is one of the most generous, big-hearted guys you'll ever meet and also has the great fortune of being married to fellow Winedaler Liz Fisher, Program Coordinator for Sh@W.  He is fighting melanoma and many of his friends in the theater community in Austin have rallied to organize events to help with skyrocketing medical expenses.  

Rob is facing the battle with his customary wit, as this video demonstrates…!  The youtube page's text section has information on how to contribute.  There was a benefit last weekend and other events in Austin planned.  Some of you old-timers may not have met Rob but you would love him -- so if you can, take a moment to watch this and then see if there's a way you can aid the fight.


