Hey Terry!  Great to hear from you.  I'll be at Winedale watching Actors from the London Stage do The Merchant of Venice.  But since I already know how that turns out, I may well slip off  to the "game."   Donno.

Have fun and say hi to Donna Marie!


On Oct 5, 2012, at 8:38 AM, tlgalloway@aol.com wrote:

Hey guys!

This will be of interest to very few of you but I thought I'd let you know anyway.  Tomorrow night at the Alamo Ritz movie theater at 7 pm (yep right smack in the middle of the UT vs West Virginia football game)  the Austin LGBT film festival is showing the animated film short "The Performance of Drowning,"that I did with animator Jeanette Castillo based on a chapter from my memoir. 

 Performance of Drowning  is a nice little short that's been showing up in film festivals all over the place -- Ukraine, New Zeeland, Paris, Berlin. So I'm proud of it. 

It is opening for  a feature film called Sassy Pants starring Haley Joel Osment --"I see dead people" --only in this case "I see dead queer people" .

It's no big deal but I'm in town this weekend visiting my sisters (as is my sweetie Donna Marie) so we are going.  If you are not watching the game ( and everyone in our families, with the exception of my youngest sister, will be watching it on tv or from the stands) do think about joining us.  We're going out for a bite to eat after.  

It's at 7 pm Saturday at the downtown Alamo Ritz Drafthouse on Sixth Street. 

Love to everyone, 

-----Original Message-----
From: Barker, Michael <Michael_Barker@spe.sony.com>
To: 'mmcollins50@yahoo.com' <mmcollins50@yahoo.com>; 'jayres@cvctx.com' <jayres@cvctx.com>; 'alicegordon@earthlink.net' <alicegordon@earthlink.net>
Cc: 'winedale-l@lists.wikimedia.org' <winedale-l@lists.wikimedia.org>
Sent: Wed, Oct 3, 2012 12:50 am
Subject: Re: [Winedale-l] Shakespeare at Winedale discussion at The Texas Book Festival

Me too, Alice, sorry to miss it.
Your essay is just great.

From: Mary Collins [mailto:mmcollins50@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 04:22 PM
To: James Ayres <jayres@cvctx.com>; Alice Gordon <alicegordon@earthlink.net>
Cc: Shakespeare at Winedale 1970-2000 alums <winedale-l@lists.wikimedia.org>
Subject: Re: [Winedale-l] Shakespeare at Winedale discussion at The Texas Book Festival
Dearest Alice,

   How I wish I could be there to celebrate your beautifully evocative essay. Congratulations!

Love to all,


--- On Tue, 10/2/12, Alice Gordon <alicegordon@earthlink.net> wrote:

From: Alice Gordon <alicegordon@earthlink.net>
Subject: [Winedale-l] Shakespeare at Winedale discussion at The Texas Book Festival
To: "James Ayres" <jayres@cvctx.com>
Cc: "Shakespeare at Winedale 1970-2000 alums" <winedale-l@lists.wikimedia.org>
Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 3:08 PM

Dearest Doc and all colleagues-for-life in the first thirty years of Shakespeare at Winedale:

I invite you to join me in Austin at the Texas Book Festival on Sunday morning, October 28, for a panel featuring the authors of four essays from The Texas Book Two, a book about life at UT over the years, which came out in March from UT Press. My essay, "Barn Dance," is all about Shakespeare at Winedale. It draws on my experience as Doc’s student for one fall and three summers, and that of my fellow students in the early years of the program, and some of Doc’s own recollections of those classes. I hope students of later years and decades will recognize their experience in it as well.

Here are the details (and there are more on texasbookfestival.org):

The Forty-Acre Outlaws: UT Confronts the Modern World
with David Dettmer, Sam Hurt, Alice Gordon, and Vance Muse

Date: Sunday, October 28, 2012
Time: 11:00 - 12:00
Location: Capitol Extension Room E2.010

Gentle adieus and greetings,
Alice Gordon
Classes of fall ‘72, summers ‘73, ’74, and 75

> From: James Ayres <jayres@cvctx.com>
> Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2012 19:02:46 -0700
> To: <dbwharton@yahoo.com>
> Cc: Shakespeare at Winedale 1970-2000 alums <winedale-l@lists.wikimedia.org>
> Subject: [Winedale-l] Congratulations!
> Hey Bruce:
> Thanks to Mike, all of us have heard the wonderful news!  We are proud  
> of you and look forward to hearing more about your new adventure.   
> Take pains, be perfect.
> Cheers,
> Doc
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