Clayton, thank you! Congratulations, Madge and Summer of 2024 Class!!

Mary Collins

On Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 2:20 PM Clayton Stromberger <> wrote:

Hey everyone –


Tonight, with “Now, fair Hippolyta,” the 2024 summer class kicks off its first weekend of public performances.  Cheers to the students and to Madge and the teaching / costuming team as the class launches into this next phase of its learning adventure!


I shared a special moment with one member of the class last Sunday, during the wonderful Camp Shakespeare performance of “The Tempest” in the Barn.  Here is Arden Price watching a scene memorably played forty-one summers ago by her father Steve along with his friends James Loehlin (to whom this summer’s performances are dedicated), Mark Bouler, Bob Pees, Clayton Stromberger, and Vic Hauser.  Steve and Mark and I are planning on all going out for the final weekend and we hope we’ll see many of you out there. 





Love to all,






Clayton Stromberger

Outreach Coordinator, UT Shakespeare at Winedale

Department of English, College of Liberal Arts

University of Texas at Austin

cell:  512-363-6864





Be vigitant, I beseech you!
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