Yes, thanks for reminding me about Emily.  So Roz will be #2.

On Apr 26, 2012, at 7:24 AM, James Loehlin wrote:

Hi all,

I am very excited about having Rosalind in the class this summer--I hope she will be the first of many Campers to participate (and second generation students, as well, though there has been one previously--Emilia Mahaffey was in the 2009 class).

The Festival of Play is at Winedale this weekend, with Clayton's Outreach students performing at noon Saturday in the barn.  The spring class will perform Julius Caesar Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:00.

Hope to see some of you there!


On Apr 25, 2012, at 9:28 PM, James Ayres wrote:

that former Camp Shakespearean '06,  Rosalind Faires, is a member of this summer's Shakespeare at Winedale class.  This is a super moment for all of us.  Not only is Rosalind the first Camper to be accepted into the university group, I think that she is the first second generation student to participate.  Dad Robert is partially responsible.  And she will be performing in The Winters' Tale, as she did in Camp.  Deja vu all over again.


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