Hi Madge, I was hoping this meeting would happen when I could come, but oh well, I can't. I live in Massachusetts and will be traveling with family to Maine for vacation on that day. I look forward to being part of the planning process remotely, if possible. It sounds like so much fun. Thanks for your initiative, and Scottish Rite, and everyone who will be there!

On Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 4:10 PM Madge Darlington <mmdarlington@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

I want to invite everyone to a meeting in Austin on Saturday, August 17 from 11am-1pm at Scottish Rite Theatre. Doc, Robin, James, Liz, Clayton, & Katy have all said they can attend that day and time. The meeting is open to any and all that want to be involved in the 50th reunion...including Ancianos, Campers, James' former students, Clayton's former students, and even long-time patrons or fans of Camp, Winedale, and past reunions.

The idea is that we spend the 1st hour brainstorming about all the things we want the reunion to include and then the 2nd hour looking at calendars and thinking about practical considerations. 

We'll figure out a way for people who can't make it in person to give their input and we'll be sure to include all the ideas that have already been suggested on this list.

I'll have some refreshments there and maybe people who want to can go to Shultz's or the Chili Parlor afterward for lunch or a beer. 

Please help spread the word. Also, let me know if you're planning to come so we can get an idea of how many chairs/drinks we need.

Thanks to Susan Todd for hosting at Scottish Rite. 

At the duke's oak we meet,


Madge Darlington
(512) 627-6038

The University of Texas at Austin

Co-founder and Co-producing Artistic Director

Winedale-l mailing list

Maria Michaux Black
31 Schermerhorn Park
Lenox, MA 01240
(413) 637-2237
(413) 329-8255