Hello Clayton and John!
Fabulous work Clayton!  I'm beginning meetings with my Shakespeareans the first week of Feb.  I've taken names of the teachers listed on the film to call - would you, if you have the means, send out my # via email, inviting them to call me if they feel moved.  I'd like to ask them about $.  I'm planning the grant, and am running up against the deadline.  281-638-1689
What joy - really - joy it must give you to see these kids doing what they're doing.  Beautiful work!
Hey - Hannah told me that a friend mentioned a Hamletical theory that maybe Gertrude had murdered Ophelia - out of mercy.  Interesting - which would fit so nicely with another angle I'd heard mentioned in "Discovering Hamlet" that Gertrude took the cup knowing it was poisoned...to save Hamlet?  to assuage guilt?  I could see Gertrude choosing not to pull O out, choosing maybe to have caught her hand, and then letting go allowing the death.  Then thinking about Gertrude's recounting of the drowning - she might walk in wet to the knees, with weeds hanging from her hand, delivering the news, and letting the weeds drop as she may have let O's hand drop.  Thrilling to think about, really.
Is this new to y'all or is it just new to me? 
With Wonderings,

From: John Rando <john.rando@verizon.net>
To: Clay Stromberger <cstromberger@mail.utexas.edu>
Cc: Shakespeare at Winedale 1970-2000 alums <winedale-l@lists.wikimedia.org>
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 6:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Winedale-l] Shakespeare at Winedale Outreach: Festival of Play 2011 - YouTube

Love it.

Love the Shakespeare Energy.

On Jan 20, 2012, at 5:02 PM, Clay Stromberger wrote:

Hi everyone --

Rob Moncrieff, a student from last summer and a few summers before that, made this 5-minute video from footage he took at last spring's Festival of Play at Winedale.  I think he caught some nice moments and I'm delighted that we finally have some Winedale Festival of Play footage on youtube!  

2010 Reunion attendees will recognize Maya Lawrence (interviewed outside the Barn at the end), who performed a Puck speech under the pecans that Saturday afternoon, having recently played the role at Camp Shakespeare.

Also featured are some lovely photos of the festival by Caroline Poe, mother of Ly Poe, another Camp Shakespearean.

I hope this will be the first of a series of Outreach videos we can share with you over time.


Thanks again to Rob for doing this all on his own initiative; I simply asked him to film the performances, and look what we got!



Clayton Stromberger
Outreach Coordinator, UT Shakespeare at Winedale
College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas at Austin
cell:  512-363-6864
UT Sh. at W. office:  512-471-4726

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