Dear Performers


On the eve of the reunion performance, my thoughts go to you, reliving the experience one more time:


- the intense physical, mental and emotional demands

- the heat

- the nagging thought what have I gotten myself into

- the heat


But you know how to drink it all in, don’t you:


- the sunrises and sunsets

- the rehearsals in the barn

- Doc & the Bard

- each other


Tomorrow we are all coming to complete your experience. We will be the most adoring audience you could imagine, grateful, for the most part, that it us you, not us, muttering lines at dawn, slipping on tights, and taking that final pre-performance walk.


You are our heroes for doing this. You have succeeded just by showing up. You are all so gifted, but please don’t be perfect. We want to laugh together about a few screw-ups. It will make the reunion even better!


We love you and we just can’t wait.


Thanks in advance to everyone who has made this possible…


Rob Lallier

Class of 75