Doc, thanks for the great email! I'm sure I'm not the only one here who's contemplating the whole idea of a 40th-anniversay reunion with both disbelief ("40 years!") and excitement ("I'm going to have another chance to see so many of my anciano buddies again!"). I'm especially grateful that you filled in the gaps about stuff you've been doing over the past decade.

I want to remind people that the list has now been set so that choosing "Reply" (clicking the "reply" button in Gmail, for example) will send your message directly to the individual who sent the message and not to the whole mailing list.  I changed this setting because some new members were worried about a flood of email -- let me know if folks want it changed back.

If you want to say hi to everyone on the list, or to start any kind of public discussion that anyone on the list can respond to, make sure you send your email to


and everyone will receive it. (People subscribed to the mailing list digest will see it when the digest compiles messages for the day.)

If there's anything I can do to help people manage their interactions with the mailing list (I mean the mechanical part), or any other technical question I can answer, let me know.
