I'm in the middle of moving! Can't make it. Love to all SAW ancianos and ancianas. 

Maria Black
Florence, MA 01062
(413) 329-8255

On Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 8:38 PM Mike Godwin <mnemonic@gmail.com> wrote:

Updated Reunion Information and Reminders:

Reunion T-shirts: 

1.    Bring some cash—to buy T-shirts. 

2.    You can pay when you show up. 

3.    Cash or check or Venmo or Zelle are all ok. 

4.    Cost is $25.



1.    If you’re planning to attend the BBQ, please let us know so we can plan for enough food and drink. (So far, only six people have responded regarding attending the BBQ.)

2.    You can pay when you show up.

3.    Cash or check or Venmo or Zelle will be fine. 

4.    Cost is $25. 


Arrival and Key Times:

1.    The 52nd Year Reunion Performance will take place at 8 pm in the Barn.

2.    You may show up as early as 2 pm to socialize with other Ancianos and perhaps watch final rehearsals by the Nerdy Thirty (if they let you…).

3.    Performance is at 8 p.m.

4.    There will be a Barn Dance (and Partay) after the performance.


Note from Emily Ayres: "Please remind all to bring photos, programs, old fans, and newspaper clippings to donate to Archives!"

Questions and requests for clarifications welcome! Otherwise, when it comes to November 5, "That's All, Fawkes!"

Love to all from This Old Fan,


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