Dear Jerald,
I did not come to Winedale until 1979 but over time I had the great joy of getting to know many of the players from the 1975 class. It was a delight to see Terry, Alice, Mary and Donald. Another unexpected pleasure was to revisit the Lauderdale House.

My thanks to you and Laura Smith for sharing the photos from 1975 and 76. It reminded me that I should dig out my photos from 1979 and 80 to share with my own Winedale "playmates." 


On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 9:37 PM, Jerald Head <> wrote:
Dear Alums.
 I had the wonderful pleasure of spending some time last week in a mini reunion with my fellow classmates of the class of 75-76, Laura Smith, Rob Lallier,Carol Martin, her hubby Sam, and Buddy Steele and his wife Maggie at Laura's home. We had a special evening reminiscing about our time in 1975 at Winedale, how it changed our lives, and despite protestations in previous discussions, how we feel was the best class in 40 years, (but we can put this aside for the moment.) Laura, (who is now a VP of UTMB, sorry Laura, I am still impressed,) was our resident photographer as well as a delightful comic actress and dear friend. She had access to a darkroom above the office across the road from the barn and what is now the ruins of Lauderdale House. She saved all of these images for 35 years and presented a disc of them for all of us to enjoy. These photos are iconic of our time there. There are certain pictures which are burned into my memory still 35 years later, and we were all immediately transported back to such a wonderful time with friends I hope to see in August. And my God, what a young and good-looking group of students. What happened?
I am the worst with computers, so my partner Sergio helped me put them into an album  which I hope we all can share, especially the classes of '75 and '76, but also  for all those classes who followed as well. Not only do they capture he essence of our time there, but they are also just  great photos I think everyone can enjoy.
This is the link to the Mobile Me album. (There is a shot of a much later single photo which I could not figure out how to delete. Please ignore. As I said I am challenged.)
Thanks so much to Laura for preserving this for us all.

I hope you all can access it and enjoy.
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Teresa Jaynes
Executive Director

1616 Walnut Street, Ste. 918
Philadelphia, PA 19103

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