Jim, ditto on what Doc said. I wanted to tell you the same thing, but he beat me to it. Your msg evokes that special time you shared so vividly. Leigh

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 9:14 PM, James Ayres <jayres@cvctx.com> wrote:
Hey, Jim:

This is a wonderful tribute to Nancy.  And to you also.  Thanks for sharing it with all of us.


On Apr 5, 2011, at 11:22 AM, jim cherry wrote:

Nancy just made you feel good to be around; she had both an easy, infectious smile and a sharp wit.  She could be tough, but was also very sensitive. She was indeed serious about the life of the mind, but didn't take herself or her beauty seriously.  She seemed very authentic to me.  My memory of her from that era is that she kind of glowed, with waves of blond hair, juicy lips, sparkling eyes full of humor...  We spent some time together my last year, reading each other's poems, and I've never forgotten the words of support she gave me then.   In another life we might have ended up together; the woman I married reminds me of her in many ways.  I can't imagine how her husband feels now, but I'm sure Nancy was as wonderful a mate to him as she was a friend and inspiration to us.


On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 9:34 AM, kathryn blackbird <kathrynblackbird@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
Here is the obituary for Nancy from the Lubbock paper printed this morning.

It nicely sets out a small measure of her accomplishments, smarts, and
beauty. We loved her dearly and she will be greatly missed.

Kathy Blackbird

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