From Gabe Columbo, co-scene leader of 4.4.  And a note to all:  please film your clips in PORTRAIT orientation.  Thanks!


Hi Maggie,


We could definitely use B-roll footage of shepherds/shepherdesses/various country folk for the sheep-shearing festival!


Dress is rustic/bohemian, and outside would be preferable unless you have a green screen.


Footage could include:

I think that's it!







business affairs inc.
Maggie Megaw
business affairs inc.
(310) 954-8440
12301 wilshire blvd suite 650
los angeles ca 90025

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From: Maggie Megaw
Sent: Saturday, August 1, 2020 1:01 PM
To: Madge Darlington <>; Shakespeare List Serv <>; Shakespeare at Winedale 1970-2000 alums <>; Robin Grace Soto <>; Shakespeare at Winedale <>; Liz Fisher <>
Subject: Lords - Ladies - Bohemians! Flock o' SHEEP!


Shrek, The Sheep Who Escaped Shearing for 6 Years | Amusing PlanetSheep For Sale - Coloured Sheep Coloured SheepieSheep farmer tells her farm's story using video | FarmtarioA picture containing indoor, laying, lying, small

Description automatically generated



Dear Ancianos, Jacobeans, Campers, Outreachers, and All Friends of Winedale,


Many of you know about or are already involved in the somewhat hare-brained and very Winedale project to assemble a filmed version of The Winter’s Tale for the 50th Reunion, using clips recorded by players all over the country (and world!).  We have been rehearsing our scenes via Zoom and then filming solo or in socially-distant groups on iPhones.  We are beyond lucky to have the editing expertise and filming guidance of Jason Harter, Cinematographer of the Winedale documentary Take Pains Be Perfect, and our cast of about 60 is currently turning in scenes from Act 4, with Act 5 scenes due next Wednesday, and with all of it set to “screen” on Saturday evening of Reunion weekend, August 15. 


We are coming into the home stretch, and are hoping to reach those of you not already participating in the film to see if you would like to make cameo appearances in the play/film as Lords, Ladies, and possibly Bohemians.  For instance, we would love to have some by-standing/court attendants in 3.2, the courtroom scene (the details are below).  If and when other scene leaders let us know they could use more interactions in their scenes, we will forward the info, including a brief description of how others in the scenes are costumed and whether a clip to be added to a given scene should be filmed indoors (and if so, what kind of background) or outside.  Jason says these clips should be 10-20 seconds long. 




In addition to looking for Lords and Ladies (and maybe Shepherds and Shepherdesses), we are also putting out a call for clips of EVERYONE (already involved or not) who wants to be a SHEEP in a Zoom-type checkerboard of as many people as possible to close the film.  Alice Gordon rigged up the delightful sheep head pictured above in a couple of minutes using a couple of white hand towels, but please feel free to rig up your own sheep impression.  For these clips we would like everyone to shoot their clip outdoors, and just a head shot, as in Alice’s image.  Once you’ve rigged up your head gear, we’re looking for a video clip about 10-20 seconds long of you baaaa-ing, moving your head side to side, anything that strikes you as capturing the essence of Sheep.  Jason says if he needs longer duration he will loop the clips. 


PLEASE forward this to anyone you know who might want to participate, and ask them to contact Maggie.  We hope to have as many people as possible from across the years and across all Winedale programs plus Friends of Winedale make appearances somewhere in the film. 






Alice, Clayton, Gail, Madge, Maggie, and Mary



Instant Sheep Head courtesy of Alice Gordon


  • Tie off the short corners of one white terry hand towel to make ears.
  • Try on the head and ears for the best fit—you’re going for concave ears that stick straight out to the sides. 
  • Apply blush inside the ears, and on your nose.
  • Pin or clip the rest of the towel under your chin.
  • Wrap a second, length-wise-folded towel around your neck, and pin or clip it in the back. 


You can also make a brown or black sheep, and paint your nose brown or black. 



It all takes about two minutes, if (for white sheep) you can find your blush after not going out in public for two months!



Calling Lords and Ladies!  The following scene could use more interactions, of the following kinds:


3.2 Courtroom Scene.  This is an INTERIOR scene, so please shoot indoors.  The players are dressed soberly and formally.  We could use the following bits:           

  • As the proceedings begin, the Officer commands Silence, so shots of people whispering/speaking behind their hands/speaking animatedly to others
  • As Hermione is charged, reactions to accusations of adultery and conspiracy
  • Reactions to the reading of the Oracle proclaiming Hermione’s innocence and calling Leontes a jealous tyrant
  • Reactions to the news of Mamillius’s death
  • Reactions to Hermione fainting
  • Reactions to news of Hermione’s death