Dear folks,

Carl Smith suggested to me privately (since, as he put it, I'm "the IT guy") that we explore doing a Winedale alumni/reunion teleconference via  I've been doing a number of such teleconferences lately, and I think it might be a good way for us to supplement our email chatter--by holding virtual meetings or even by holding virtual "happy hours."  If there's interest, let me know, and I can see how easy it is to set one up. My instinct is to say it should be pretty easy now that built-in cameras are fairly standard equipment on most recent-vintage computers these days.

(Zoom also accommodates voice-telephony participants, and ultimately we would accommodate that, but it would be interesting to test the platform's free tier and see how well could manage to do a meeting on it.)

Current meetings in the free tier are limited to 40 minutes, but I've heard rumors that the time limit has been suspended in the current Time of Weirdness. At any rate, we can find out!

If you're interested in setting something like this up, working with me, let me know.
