What a great set of interviews and what a great song!
I have not been back to Windedale since my summer.  The audio link below reminded of the wonderful shared experience and the magic of this program.
Thank you for sharing.

Jody Smith.

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 9:04 PM, James Ayres <jayres@cvctx.com> wrote:
Four representatives from the Shakespeare Birthplace in Stratford upon Avon visited Winedale last weekend to present Sh at W an award.  We were one of the 14 Sh "festivals" they selected and the only non-professional and educational program.  All of them were very pleased with what they found here.  In fact they were at times very moved by what they heard from the people they talked to.  They have a mission: they are called Shakespeare on the Road. And you can read and hear, not only about their visit to Winedale, but to the other places, on www.shakespeareonthe road.com.  Check it out!

One of them, Paul Edmonson, wrote a song about Shakespeare at Winedale after leaving.  Much of it refers to a conversation I had with him.

Here is the link:  http://shakespeareontheroad.com/for-james-doc-ayres-founder-of-shakespeare-at-winedale-and-james-loehlin-the-current-director-and-all-the-students-who-have-taken-part-in-the-shows-over-the-years/


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